Church of the Assumption

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29 Jefferson Ave.
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Our parish is a loving yet diverse Catholic family of faith and a safe haven, where all are welcome. Whether you are looking for a new parish home, a community, a place to grow in faith, or a way to put your faith in action, we are happy you are here.

About our Church
Our Mission is: to bring the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to you and to everyone. We believe in answering Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations.

The Four Pillars of our Faith are:
Buiilding Community
Making Disciples
Communicate the Beauty of our Faith
Share our time, talent(s) and treasure

Our parish is a loving yet diverse Catholic family of faith and a safe haven, where all are welcome. Whether you are looking for a new parish home, a community, a place to grow in faith, or a way to put your faith in action, we are happy you are here.


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