2014 Bergen County’s Favorite Ice Cream Parlor Competition!

New Jersey ice cream parlors will soon be buzzing with activity, as people of all ages line up for their favorite summer treat.

Throughout Bergen County, there are ice cream parlors, stands, sweet shops and restaurants serving up world-class ice cream in a wide variety of flavors ranging from vanilla to red velvet cake. Everyone seems to have their favorite spot and their favorite flavor!

Mybergen.com is searching for Bergen County's favorite ice cream parlor. We're asking our visitors to tell us their favorite place to go in Bergen County for a creamy, cold, sweet ice cream treat. Bergen County ice cream stands, restaurants and sweet shops that serve ice cream are also eligible for this exciting summer of 2014 competition!

Mybergen.com will accept submissions through midnight, July 3, 2014. On July 4th, we'll announce The Best Ice Cream Parlor in Bergen County as voted by our audience.

By submitting your favorite Bergen County, NJ ice cream parlor, you'll be entered for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to the Bergen County ice cream parlor of your choice!

Click here to enter the name of your favorite Bergen County ice cream parlor to the mybergen.com Bergen County's Favorite Ice Cream Parlor competition!

The winning ice cream parlor will be announced on July 4th in the mybergen.com Weekly E-Newsletter.

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