Garden Club of Harrington Park Presents “Hemerocallis – The Daylily” with Dr. Terrence McGarty

The Garden Club of Harrington Park will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Harrington Park Library, 10 Herring Street, Harrington Park, New Jersey. Guest speaker Terrence McGarty, author and owner of Telemarc Gardens, will present a pictorial lecture on Hemerocallis, better know as Daylilies.

The Genus Hemerocallis is quite common in eastern Asia. From well over a dozen species of Hemerocallis there are now over 50,000 registered hybrids with a great variety of colors, patterns, shapes, and blooming characteristics. Dr. McGarty will discuss the species and their characteristics and how the horticultural diversity has exploded.

McGarty will examine many of the hybrids in terms of colors, patterns, complexities of flower size and shape, fragrance, and other variations, and discuss some of the many complex flowerings now available.

Terry McGarty has been hybridizing daylilies for over thirty years. His collection includes twelve of the major species collected from China, Korea, Japan and Russia. Terry has studied at the New York Botanical Garden, receiving Certificates in Botany and Horticulture. He has registered over fifty new hybrids and has been setting out well over 2,000 new crosses each year for the past twenty years. Terry's garden in Florham Park contains almost 700 named hybrids as well as the species and many of the early hybrid plants. The garden also contains a few thousand recent crosses awaiting selection.

Dr. McGarty is not a Botanist by profession. He holds a PhD from MIT and has completed medical studies in the joint MIT/Harvard program. He has spent most of his career in the high tech area with a focus on multiple start-ups in over twenty countries. The daylily interest provides a respite from a great deal of travel. Terry is also currently collaborating with Hemerocallis researchers in Russia and China.

For more information on Dr. McGarty and his work with daylilies, visit

The program will be followed by a "Q&A" session and refreshments. Hostesses for the evening are Marjorie Demarest and Georgia Greiner. All gardeners active or armchair, from all towns, are welcome.

For more information,contact garden club president Gerri Gibney a t201-768-2615 or visit