PSE&G Helps with High Heating Bills

Throughout the winter season, PSE&G is showing a lot of warmth, as they are offering assistance in winter heating bill payments to those who recently lost their jobs or are now working fewer hours because of the economic conditions.

PSE&G is requesting that customers find out if they are eligible for help. Individuals and families may apply now. Applications will be accepted until April 30.

Customers can find applications at one of the 16 PSE&G customer service centers. Locations and hours are listed on customer bills.

Income-eligible people can find further help completing their applications at Bergen County CAP at PSE&G Hackensack Customer Service Center, where representatives are available. The Center is located at 214 Hudson St, Hackensack, NJ and is open Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

For further information and an application, visit or, or call 800-510-3102.