Spring Gardening Prep: Essential Tips for a Thriving Garden All Season Long

Spring Gardening Prep: Essential Tips from Down to Earth Living in Pomona, NY for a Thriving Garden All Season Long. Details on mybergen.com.

Get Your Garden Ready for Spring!

Winter won’t last forever—spring is just around the corner! Now is the perfect time to take stock of your garden, plan any updates, and gather the supplies you’ll need for a fresh start.

If you’ve kept notes, photos, or sketches of your garden over the years, review them now to see what’s working and where adjustments might be needed. Do you have too much of one color or texture? Consider adding plants with contrasting colors and shapes for a more dynamic, eye-catching display.

Think ahead by factoring in plant height and width—giving each variety enough space to grow without overshadowing its neighbors. Keep taller plants in the back and lower-growing ones up front to ensure everyone gets their fair share of sunlight.

Planning a Vegetable Garden? Here’s What You Need to Know!

If you’re planning a vegetable garden, consider how much sunlight your garden gets each day—it plays a big role in what will thrive!

5-6 Hours of Sun: Perfect for root crops like carrots, radishes, beets, onions, and potatoes, along with leafy greens.

7-8 Hours of Sun: Ideal for fruiting vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, and beans.

Want to keep pests away naturally? Companion planting can help! Certain plants work together to resist pests, reducing the need for pesticides. Basil, chives, dill, marigolds, and nasturtiums are not only great additions to any garden but also act as natural insect repellents.

Plan Your Garden for Success!

Once you have a clear vision of what you’re planting—and where—it’s time to map it out! A simple sketch works for some, while others prefer to draw a to-scale diagram or use design software for a more detailed digital plan.

With your layout set, you can start ordering plants from Down to Earth Living for delivery when the season is right. Get a head start by sowing seeds of annuals like petunias, tomatoes, and peppers in small pots. By the time warm weather arrives, they’ll be strong and ready for transplanting!

Spring Prep: Pruning & Propagating for a Thriving Garden!

Now is the perfect time to take cuttings of indoor plants like geraniums, coleus, fuchsia, and begonias so they’ll be strong and ready for outdoor planting by late spring.

Want an early splash of color indoors? Prune branches from forsythia, pussy willow, and other early bloomers to encourage their flowers to open before nature intends.

Early spring is also a good time for pruning summer- and fall-blooming shrubs—but timing is key! Some shrubs bloom on old wood, while others flower on new growth. To avoid cutting off future blossoms, only prune those that bloom on new wood in the spring.

Get Your Gardening Tools & Supplies Ready for Spring!

Before the season kicks into full swing, take a moment to check your gardening tools—make sure they’re in good shape, repair what you can, and replace anything beyond fixing.

Now is also the perfect time to stock up on essentials like fertilizers, natural or chemical pesticides, plant ties, and weed barrier fabric. Having everything on hand now means you’ll be ready to hit the ground running when warmer weather arrives!

Protect Your Garden from Late Spring Frosts!

Even as temperatures rise, a late spring frost can still surprise gardeners—so be prepared! Keep a supply of old sheets, towels, and tablecloths (avoid plastic) on hand to cover tender seedlings when the cold creeps in. You can also cover individual plants with inverted flowerpots and buckets. In extreme cases, potted plants can be brought into a shed or garage.

Plan Now for a Thriving Spring & Summer Garden

A little late-winter planning goes a long way! Taking time now to organize, prep, and gather supplies will set you up for a bountiful growing season filled with vibrant flowers and fresh crops to enjoy all spring and summer long.

Just a little bit of late winter planning can ensure a long growing season of flowers and crops to enjoy all spring and summer long.

Down to Earth Living

Down to Earth Living Garden Center in Rockland County offers 12.5 acres filled with perennials, flowers, shrubs and trees, with new arrivals coming in every week. The 10,000 square foot showroom has a large and unique selection of contemporary, classic, traditional, and transitional teak, aluminum and all-weather dining and deep-seated furniture. The center is open 9:00 am – 5:00 pm daily and is located near Bergen County at 1040 Route 45 in Pomona, New York. For more information, visit www.dteliving.com or call 845-354-8500.

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